While in St. Louis, we visited Ferguson to see an ongoing art therapy project taking place there. We attended a vibrant and active farmer's market, stopped by the opening of a new community center, and witnessed a vocal and strong protest during our short visit. Clearly, many-sided issues are still very charged, and we heard several opinions about what is happening in this neighborhood. The media tends to show a negative portrait of this town, but we spoke with many kind and concerned people who live there.
If you would like more information about the art therapy project called Ribbons of Hope, and learn how you can participate, click on this link: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?page=view&resid=80E7324D44AE78A0!175&authkey=!AM85pXaYN9fpdFQ
If you would like more information about the art therapy project called Ribbons of Hope, and learn how you can participate, click on this link: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?page=view&resid=80E7324D44AE78A0!175&authkey=!AM85pXaYN9fpdFQ